Consensual Dispute Resolution
Ending a marriage or a domestic partnership through a consensual agreement with your ex has many advantages over traditional litigation.
For starters, negotiating your own resolution can allow you better control of the outcome of a contested divorce. It also enables you and your spouse to make the decisions yourselves, rather than having them imposed by a judge.
At the Law & Mediation Offices of Barbara Irshay Zipperman, A.P.C., we encourage you to consider making use of the opportunity to resolve divorce issues through negotiated means.
Give us a call today to arrange a confidential consultation to discuss your specific circumstances. From our office in Encino, we serve clients in the San Fernando Valley and throughout the Los Angeles area.
Which Process Will Work Best For You?
There is more than one process that you and your former partner can use to resolve divorce or separation issues outside of court. They include:
- Mediation — Mediation involves using a neutral person to help the parties reach a mutually agreeable resolution. The mediator serves as a facilitator to consider options and in negotiations. Mediators do not make decisions, but they empower you and your partner to do so yourselves.
- Collaborative law — Also known as collaborative divorce, this involves each party — you and your spouse — engaging a collaboratively trained lawyer and other professionals to facilitate negotiation and reach agreements in the best interests of you and your family. The parties and the lawyers meet to try to resolve the issues, sometimes using common experts such as accountants or child psychologists. If you cannot arrive at an agreement, you can still go to court, but the lawyers from the collaborative process would have to withdraw.
Attorney Barbara Irshay Zipperman is a trained mediator who is experienced to guide you in using mediation effectively to resolve divorce issues. She is also trained and experienced in using collaborative law to arrive at mutually agreeable solutions that avoid contentious litigation.
What If The Other Party Isn't Amenable?
Mediation and collaborative law work very well if both parties are committed to using them properly. But consensual dispute resolution methods aren't possible in every situation.
At our firm, we are very aware of this. If there are reasons why a consensual agreement can't be worked out, Barbara Irshay Zipperman stands ready to be a strong advocate for your interests in contested litigation.
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